This is the picture, you are frustrated about sitting in the morning and not knowing what to do with your social media business pages, questions like what content should I publish? What is a keyword? What platforms work for my business? Hashtags, really?  What are the rules and regulations? You start looking for the answers on google, you can do this! No, you can’t! You can barely read your emails and answer them, there’s just not enough time!

Some of you can read and reply to emails, but the whole Facebook experience haunts you as well as the fear of the unknown. You wake up and decide to hire a social media manager! You go online and do a search, you find some companies, you do a price comparison, you choose something in your budget, but now what? I will tell you the 6 most important steps to take before you hire a social media manager:

1) Check out her/his personal social media accounts, Google the person’s name + platform, find out if they have interaction, followers, friends. Why their personal page and not their business? Because most social media managers I know, don’t have time to maintain their own Business Pages, but as experts in their field, they have very active personal pages.

2) Watch out for red flags: the person’s FB (FaceBook) business page has 10,000 followers and a ton of interaction but the personal FB account and Twitter account are dead, no comments, no huge numbers – same with Instagram and other platforms. That raises a red flag because a strong community usually connects with you in more than one channel.

3) Ask for information on credentials and support from the team who will be serving you. Some social media services will do an initial consultation, take your payment and you will never hear from a human being again. That is what those $ 99.00 monthly fee deals usually give you.

4) Look for other client’s accounts and look for results, engagement, followers and quality of posts.

5) Ask for social media manager credentials and continuing education. The internet is an ever changing business, so make sure the person you hire attends/speaks at conferences and has taken at least 2 courses in the past 3 months as a part of a continuing education process to better serve you.

6) Professionals who offer to set time to consult and develop a strategy which matches your goals and target audience are extra qualifications which will play an important role on offering better social media management services to you.

After doing your homework and asking those questions, you will make a much more informed decision and will hire somebody you feel strongly confident about developing an online strategy and representing your business’ voice.

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